A film with the special signature of Almodovar, meaning you can expect a narrative of the unexpected, provocative, eager to create unrest among the viewer. Fully succeeded.
An incursion through the unforeseen mysteries of love and hate. A movie to display a set of philosophical and ethical questions which will not lose interest in a second viewing.
The story of a doctor (Antonio Banderas plays Dr. Robert Ledgard) whose wife barely survives a car accident, with major skin burns. His medical speciality is precisely cosmetic surgery and reconstruction of skin tissues with synthetic material and he puts his best efforts on his wife.It becomes an obsession and we will deal with it in an horrifying way.
Let's try to accept the idea America needs to nourish and preserve the concept of a nation of exceptional men, willing to risk their lives and their sanity for the good of the nation. That being said, and aside all the political opinions one can have about the subject, it's not understandable how this movie became a box office success.
It's a surprisingly anachronic product - we can see this conceptualisation in the propaganda movies from the forties and fifties.
Apparently, this film was initially produced for the Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman. It should never have left that drawer.
LÀ PIEL QUE HABITO (2011) - Yes it's the best!!