The bones and eggs of a new 70-million-year-old dinousaur that resembled a flightless bird have been found in Patagonia, scientists say. Paleontologists said they expected the eggs to help explain how birds evolved from dinosaurs. The new species, Bonapartenyus ultimus is a member of the small, long legged , fast moving Alvarezsaurid dinosaur family, reports the Cretaceous ResearchTSUNAMI AND CHICKEN
Panic took over India, Thailand and Indonesia population as tsunami alerts raised tragic memories of the 2004 southeastern asia tragedy, wich killed 230 thousand people. The alerts were issued after a sequence of earthquakes reaching up to 8.2 on Richter Scale throughout the region.Apparently, there was no really danger of a tsunami. Nevertheless, on this April 11th, the KFC multinational branch in Thailand was forced to issue an apology after posting a Facebook message that urged people to rush home and order a bucket of chicken

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